4 reading promotion posters

150,00 kr

This download offers a package of four posters featuring various research-based reading motivation messages. These posters are perfect for use at parent meetings, to include in newsletters, or to enrich classrooms, school libraries, public libraries, group rooms, and after-school programs!


The posters can also be downloaded individually and in Swedish.

The posters can also be downloaded individually and can of course be printed in any format.


Here you can download the posters separately:

“How to awaken your child’s reading enthusiasm” – “Så väcker du ditt barns läslust”

“10 tips to get children to read” – “10 tips för att få ditt barn att läsa”

“Benefits you gain from reading!” – “Fördelar du får av att läsa”

“The importance of reading for children’s language development” – “Vikten av läsning för barns språkutveckling”


These posters are also available for download as a package with all four posters in Swedish.


When downloaded separately, the materials cost a total of SEK 175.


Here you can also find several reading and book activities for different age groups.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
