45,00 kr

Here you can take part in a very important and clear poster about “The importance of reading for children’s language development”.


The factual text is taken from Ingvar Lundberg, Professor of Psychology, Gothenburg University and Mats Myrberg, Professor of Special Education, Stockholm University.


The image depicts stacks of 7 Lego blocks that increase in quantity depending on how much the child reads.

This poster highlights the benefits of reading, featuring nine research-based points. The poster can be used as a PDF at parent meetings or displayed in classrooms and libraries. 


Here you can take part in a larger theme post “The importance of reading for children’s language development” where you can take part in even more facts about The importance of reading for children’s language development.



Although the page is written in Swedish, it can be translated into any language.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
