Buddy cube
25,00 kr
This friendship/buddy cube is like a kind of “Friendship Flea”, but this one looks like dice and has five different friendship missions.
Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
Skapare: Gullis lästips
Kategorier: Engelska, Fritidshem, Mallar, Övrigt, Spel, Utomhuspedagogik, Värdegrund
Etiketter: åk 1, åk 5, åk 6, back to school, classroom, crafts, engelska, english, förskoleklass, Friend, Friendship activity, friendship assignments, fritids, games, klassrum, kompis, Leisure, Preschool class, pyssel, school start, skolstartsövning, spel, TERMINSTART, Values, Vänskapsaktivitet, vänskapsuppdrag, värdegrund, year 1, year 5, year 6
This friendship cube is like a kind of “Friendship Flea”, but this one looks like dice and has five different friendship missions.
The cube is created in A4 format, but you just have to copy it to a larger size to get a larger cube/dice.
There are three different cubes, the first is colored with five different missions, the second is colored without missions, and up to each student to come up with their own friendly friendship missions. The third and final is completely blank, where students have the opportunity to color the cube in any color and come up with five of their own friendly assignments.
Here are some of the completed assignments:
* Make a classmate laugh today.
* Help with something at home today.
The cube works to be used for all students throughout primary school.
The cube can also be downloaded separately in Swedish.
I have also created other friendship assignments, all of which are gathered in “Friendship Materials”. Which can also be seen in Swedish.
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The material is intended to be used for private use or in individual classroom sets.
Please do not spread the material further, but instead, refer to where you picked up the material at Skolmagi.
It would be fun if you tagged @gullislastips if you make posts about my material on social media, so I’ll see how you work with it!
P.S Do you want to take part in book tips on children’s and young people’s books? Then I recommend you to follow Gullis lästips website, I can also be followed on Facebook and Instagram under the name Gullis lästips, as well as other social media.
If you find any quirks in the material or if you have any input on improvement, please contact me at gullislastips.skolmagi@gmail.com
I wish you a nice day
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