65,00 kr

Becoming a good reader with good reading comprehension affects the possibilities of acquiring knowledge in all school subjects throughout the school year. Already during the first years of school, students need the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of different types of texts.

The students’ reading comprehension can be developed to better understand the content of the texts and then they need to use different reading strategies.

Good readers automatically use different reading strategies for different texts and contexts.

Reading instruction is not just something for younger students, the development must continue right up to upper secondary school. Students are never “done” with their reading development, they need support throughout their schooling. And it is not only in Swedish that reading comprehension is required, but in all school subjects at all ages.

Good readers’ reading strategies are created in poster size, but can of course be printed in any size. where the reading strategies are divided into 7 different posters.

Here you can take part in seven different reading strategies with short accompanying descriptive text and accompanying car support that are aimed at all ages from preschool to upper secondary school and in all school subjects.

Different reading strategies of good readers:

  • Predict
  • Ask questions
  • Make connections
  • Monitors
  • Between the lines
  • Create inner images
  • Summarize

The reading strategies are taken from various research-based sites.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
