The Benefits of Reading Across Different Book Genres for Children and Young Adults – Posters

65,00 kr

After I published the theme post “The benefits of reading,in which I discussed why reading is important for children and young people”, I received several requests from you to share images with accompanying text in the form of posters or A4 prints. You can choose the size that suits you best for printing. (Even though the blog post are written in Swedish as the original language, there is the possibility to transcribe the entries into any language,)


Here you can take part in 21 pictures with short, informative text. If there are any genres that you miss, don’t hesitate to contact me at


Via this download, you can take part in 21 images with associated shorter text for each genre.


The genres are:


  1. Picture books
  2. Easy to read books
  3. Chapter books
  4. Funny books
  5. Fantasy books
  6. Crime books
  7. Scary books
  8. Fiction books
  9. Love books
  10. Diary books
  11. Graphic comic novels
  12. Hybrid books
  13. Historical books
  14. Fact books
  15. Biographies
  16. Dystopia books
  17. Sports books
  18. Poetry books
  19. Animal books
  20. Sad books
  21. Audio and E-books


The material is also available to download in Swedish “Läsningens fördelar inom olika bokgenrer för barn och ungdomar”.



Rating and assessment of the material:


“Just enough text for my students and informative text.” School librarian Jeanette Laursen.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
