“The sock hunt” is a fun and suitable activity for children aged 3 to grade 3.
It’s a perfect activity to do on Down Syndrome Day and Crazy sock day on 3/21 (also known as Rock your sock day in Swidish).
The material is also available on the Swedish “Strumpjakten”.
In this exciting activity, the sock monster has come forward and hidden 14 different socks with different motifs. Now it’s up to the kids to look for these hidden socks using their checklist and mark each sock they find.
By looking for socks, the children not only get an entertaining task, but they also get the opportunity to be active and move outside in the fresh air. It’s a fantastic combination of play and exercise!
The materials included in the “Stocking Hunt” are:
1. Introduction and accompanying description: An introduction to the activity and a description of how to play “The Stocking Hunt”.
2. 14 different colorful socks in A4 format: The socks are in different patterns and colors and are used for hiding and finding during the sock hunt.
3. The tale of the “Sock Monster”: A story about the mischievous sock monster who hides the socks. The story should be read before the “stocking hunt” to engage the children and give them an understanding of the purpose of the activity.
4. Afterword with a concluding text.
On my shop here at Skolmagi, you can also take part in a craft booklet suitable for “Downs syndrome – Crazy sock day of 21/3”.
If you want to share book tips on books for children and young people that deal with differences and Down syndrome, then I have a themed post “Down syndrome & Rock the socks – 21/3!” there you will find book tips, tips on various good pages and on various lesson materials.
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P.S. Do you want to share book tips on children’s and youth books? Then I recommend you follow Gulli’s reading tips website, I can also be followed on Instagram and Facebook under the name Gulli’s reading tips, as well as other social media.
I wish you a nice day
Sabine Holmgren Fathi –
Tack för ett underbart material som vi kunde använda oss av på förskolan där jag arbetar.
Vi började med att läsa upp sagan om strump monstet för barnen och sen delade vi in barnen två och två och sedan började själva strumpjakten.
Var ett väldigt uppskattad uppgift ifrån både barn och vuxna.
Några av kommentarerna ifrån barnen när vi sen frågade vad de tyckte om uppgiften:
”Suuper kul, det här vill jag göra igen”
”Jag älskar strump monstret, nu kan jag berätta till mamma varför mina strumpor går sönder emellanåt.”
”Det här var jätte kul”
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