10 creative ways for parents and adults to encourage children’s reading during the summer break!

40,00 kr

Here you can take part in ten tips aimed at parents and adults, which offer support and advice to encourage children’s reading during the winter holidays. These tips aim to prevent reading loss and help children maintain their reading skills, so that they are well prepared for the start of school.


Parents are the key to combating summer reading loss. During the summer break, students’ reading performance can be negatively affected, and it’s important for parents to encourage their children to read every day. Summer learning loss can impact reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, but there are things that parents can do to help their children maintain their reading ability to help their children stay on track with their summer reading.

To help children stay on track with their winter reading, reading inspiration Gullis reading tips – @Gullislastips, a reading promoter and expert in children’s and youth literature, has compiled ten reading tips that parents and other adults can use.

In order to combat winter reading loss, it is important that teachers and educators recruit all parents. With the parents’ help, the children can maintain their reading skills and be ready for a successful start to school.

The materials can also be downloaded before the summer holidays and are also available in Swedish for both parents and adults before the summer and winter holidays.


*The material is updated 8 September 2024.



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