Crazy sock day and Downs Syndrome day craft

50,00 kr


On March 21, the World Down Syndrome Day is observed, a date of great significance since individuals with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome number 21. To symbolize this, socks have been chosen as a representative image, as chromosomes can be likened to socks. 

In preparation for this important day, I have created a creative activity booklet that focuses on both Down Syndrome Day and Rock Your Socks Day on March 21. The booklet is aimed at elementary school students from preschool to sixth grade and contains a total of 25 pages, of which 20 pages are dedicated to fun craft activities. 


The booklet offers a variety of activities and decorations focusing on rocking socks and raising awareness for Down Syndrome Day. It includes coloring pages and simple writing tasks with themes related to diversity and uniqueness, including: 


1. Mandalas and coloring: Two mandalas featuring sock motifs to color, four different socks with unique patterns, and two blank socks for creating your own designs. These can be used for classroom decorations. 

2. Coloring pages: Two pictures with children and positive messages like “We are all different but equally unique!” and “Everyone is different, equally unique!” that can be colored. 

3. Writing tasks: One page with simple writing exercises where students can reflect on what makes them unique. 

4. Classroom decorations: Eight decorations featuring sock motifs, frames with texts like “I rock my socks” and “We rock our socks,” as well as the date 21/3, which can also be colored. 


These materials aim to promote creativity and reflection on individual unique traits, as well as to decorate the classroom in an inspiring way in connection with Down Syndrome Day and the Rock Your Socks theme. The activity booklet is also available in Swedish.


I also have a resource called “Sock Hunt Game,” where you have the chance to discover six entertaining and simple sock games that are guaranteed to spread joy! These playful activities have been created to raise awareness for Down Syndrome Day and the inspiring “Rock Your Socks” Day on March 21. The games are perfect for children aged three and up, and they will promote both creativity and collaboration. The material is also available in Swedish


Sock Hunt,” a fun activity for children aged 3 to third grade, is also available in Swedish and is perfect for celebrating Down Syndrome Day and Rock Your Socks Day on March 21, known in English as Crazy Sock Day. The material is also available in Swedish

Additionally, I have another resource called “What makes me unique” which is also available in Swedish. This material encourages children to recognize their unique and amazing qualities by filling in sentences in the shape of balloons, helping them realize their many traits and talents. 


On Gullis Reading Tips website, in the themed post “Down Syndrome & Crazy  Sock Day – March 21,” you can find several book recommendations for children and young adults that discuss being different and Down syndrome. There are also suggestions for useful websites and other materials that might be helpful. The page can be translated into any chosen language.


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