Halloween- & autumn holiday bingo

30,00 kr

Send with this reading and activity bingo which is aimed at all school students throughout the primary school. This is a scary Halloween and reading holiday bingo that encourages students to enjoy reading during the holidays and all come up with both fun, mischievous and entertaining reading and autumn holiday activities.

The bingo box contains a total of 25 different reading and activity assignments, with a concise text and associated image.

Examples of activities:

  • Read or listen to a scary book or story.
  • Write your own ghost story, which you are welcome to read out in class after the holidays.
  • Read a recipe and bake something good.
  • Watch a movie based on a book.

Information for the students who participate in the reading bingo:

“For those who dare, this exciting reading challenge is ready to be discovered as part of a spooky Halloween reading bingo that is perfect for the upcoming reading break and Halloween celebration!”


The Bingo is also available in Swedish.


*The material is updated 9 September 2024.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
