Reading promotion activity “Find a book about… Tickets

45,00 kr

This reading promotion activity called “Find a book about…” gives students the opportunity to explore different genres of non-fiction and fiction as well as specific books using “Find a book about” tickets.

The activity is aimed at students from grades 1 to 6 and consists of five pages with a total of 40 tickets. The aim is to encourage students to explore the library in a fun and motivating way and find new books to read.

The material can also be downloaded separately in Swedish.

If you want to take part in similar reading-promoting activities, I have more different materials to download via @Gullislastips store.


Via Gullis lästips website you can take part in the theme post Reading promoting activities for children and young people!”as well as the theme post “Various reading promotion reading projects”.


*Although the original text in the posts is written in Swedish, there is an option to translate it into any language.

Antal filer: 1
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
