Activity cards with different reading voices

100,00 kr

Reading voices are used to train reading fluency. Reading fluency is important to have good reading skills. This is one of several ways to introduce students to using the voice and volume in different ways.


Reading fluency means that students can:


  • Read the text quickly and correctly – automated word recognition


  • Read with empathy – correct volume, pitch, stress on single words and pay attention to punctuation


We want the students to be able to change their voice and volume, among other things depending on who is speaking in the text.


If you want to be able to read aloud with empathy, it requires that you dare to challenge yourself and know your different “voices”.


It is important for many students to de-dramatize both reading aloud and reading with empathy by using different voices. By using Reading Voices, students get practice in reading in different ways, with different voices.


I got this idea for activity cards with reading voices when I saw that it is “World read aloud day” on February 1.



 *The material is updated 29/8-24

Antal filer: 2
Filformat: pdf
Rekommenderad programvara: Acrobat Reader
